Lip Fillers: Collagen Lip Fillers VS Juvederm
Not too long ago, collagen lip fillers were the norm for lip enhancement procedures. Nowadays, Juvederm has quickly become the favourite amongst cosmetic surgeons and patients alike. There are several principal reasons why Juvederm lip injections are replacing conventional collagen lip fillers to give the lips a plumper, smoother look.
It’s made of a material that already occurs in the body:
Juvederm lip injections are made of hyaluronic acid, which is a material that naturally occurs in human skin. The injections are created through a process called biosynthesis where complex molecules are mixed with living organisms and cells to create a safe, biocompatible product.
Juvederm lasts longer than most collagen-based fillers:
Juvederm lip injections are longer-lasting than collagen lip fillers. Generally, collagen fillers last for about six months, whereas Juvederm can last for up to one year.
This product does not require skin testing before use:
Because Juvederm lip injections are made of hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in our bodies, allergic reactions are so rare that the product does not have to be tested on the skin before use. With collagen lip fillers, there is a chance of allergic reaction because they are often made of bovine products, and they must always be skin-tested before being injected into a patient.
Juvederm flows easily into the skin:
Other fillers do not flow into the skin as easily as Juvederm lip injections. With a combination of hyaluronic acid and a skilled injector at reputable clinics like epiclinic, premier cosmetic medical clinic; Juvederm can help hydrate your skin and replenishes your lips’ natural volume instead of creating artificial volume. This results in a smoother, natural look instead of an over-puffed appearance. Plus, Juvederm is a gel and is not granular in consistency like some lip fillers.
The first FDA approved product for people of colour:
Juvederm lip injections are the FDA-approved hyaluronic acid product that is proven safe and effective for people of colour. Because there is a difference in pigmentation and skin composition between people of colour and Caucasians this is important because Juvederm actually works on different skin types and structure.
Better for older patients who have lost volume in the lips:
The older we get, the more volume we lose in the lips. Unlike collagen fillers, Juvederm lip injections are more effective in producing volume in the lips of older people because they are made of a substance that naturally occurs in the body.
The price of collagen lip injections is ultimately the same as Juvederm, which also plays a role in why Juvederm lip injections are offering an easy and cost-effective replacement over other fillers.
Enhance your natural beauty with Lip Fillers in Middletown. Our skilled practitioners craft personalized solutions, ensuring your lips achieve the desired volume and shape for a radiant, youthful appearance.