
What You Need To Know About A Fungal Nail Infection

As a very common condition, you might want to educate yourself about the fungal nail infection as well as learn what can cause it and how to treat it. Obviously, you should not treat any infection by yourself, only a trained professional should deal with stuff like that.

First of all, if you have any problems with your feet, you should consult your podiatrist, for example contact podiatrist Morisset like ModPod Podiatry or search through your local clinics. It is important to choose a podiatrist with a good reputation.

Don’t get your nails done before visit your podiatrist!

What is nail fungus?

This is a very common condition and it often presents itself as a yellow or white spot under your fingernail or toenail. Depending on the deepness of the fungus, it could cause you pain, discoloration in your nails, as well as thickened nails that will crumble at the end. It can affect more than just one nail at the time.

If the condition is mild, then you will probably not even feel it and you might not need any treatment. However, if the condition is causing you pain or discomfort, and you have seen changes in your toenails, you need to visit your podiatrist. Keep in mind that even if the treatment is successful the fungus can come back over time.


  • Foul smelling.
  • Brittle, crumbly or ragged.
  • Whiteish to yellow, brown discoloration.
  • A dark color that is caused by the build up of debris under your nail.
  • Distorted in shape.

When to see a doctor?

It goes without saying that if you think you have a fungal infection you should see a doctor, avoiding the inevitable will cause more issues. You can get the fungal nail infection treatment according to ModPod Podiatry, and even if the fungus in not causing you any pain, you can still have it treated, since it definitely does not leave a good image.

Visit your podiatrist on time.

There are a couple of things you can do to prevent this from happening, and all the usual causes of the fungal toenail infections are listed below:

  • Heavy sweating.
  • Minor skin or nail injuries
  • Being older, as you are more pone to having low blood flow.
  • Having a history of athlete’s foot.
  • Diabetes, weekend immune system, or problems with circulation.
  • Skin conditions; such as psoriasis.
  • Lots of exposure to public showers without wearing the proper footwear.

Final word

As with every other infection, if it does not get treated, everything can be much worse. This is why you need to start paying attention to your feet. Our feet do most of our work each day, yet we do not pay them the same respect as we do to our hands. Make sure that you visit a podiatrist if you think that there is something wrong with your feet or lower legs

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